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????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Cobalt Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (11 Ratings)??777 Grabs Today. 37756 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


In October you got to see some great pics of Elijah and Evelyn at "the farm" aka the home of my good friends Kim and Troy Galloway in Big Rapids.  They got to meet the horses, chickens, dogs, kitties, and...piggies.  These were not pet pigs, they were being raised for...ahem...food: just as God intended!

Come Christmas time we recieved a gift from Kim and Troy- a selection of pork from the same little piggies we got to meet this fall.  We've been enjoying the meat (thank you Galloways!) and last night had some fantastic chops ala "Harry Plopper," which is what we've been calling the pig as it's the only given name I remember.

That brings me to this series of pictures.  See, eating little cubes of meat just is not as fun as chewing it off the bone, especially if you've gotten to meet your meat (heehee) in person.  So, morbid as it may seem, I just couldn't help but snag a few pics.  Plus, as Andy pointed out, one day we can show these to Evelyn if she ever decides to go all-veggie.  Enjoy!

 "Mom, pork is good."  (I should add that Evelyn is particularly fond of bacon-surprise surprise)

"What do you mean pork is pig?  Is this that big, hairy, dirty thing I met last October?  Oh my goodness!  Oh who am I kidding...I really don't care.  Nom nom nom."

And now for another type of meat: sister-meat.  Elijah thinks Evelyn might be tasty too.