? ??????????????Phone Booth? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.4 (30 Ratings)??1041 Grabs Today. 38121 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Cobalt Flowers? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (11 Ratings)??777 Grabs Today. 37756 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

a little bit of everything.

Well, it looks like I'm not the only one not posting like I should, as I just checked two other blogs whose latest posts are as old, if not older than mine. However, I finally have a moment of internet so I am going to take advantage of it! It's been frustrating with Andy gone for so long, not only is the loss of internet (he took our only working computer) a little frustrating, but I cannot believe how bored I've been! There are times that all I want is some time alone and can never seem to get it, now I have plenty and don't know what to do with it. I guess it's a Catch 22, the grass IS always greener on the other side. Ok, enough cliches.
Tonight I am watching Alissa's girls, Morgan and Ryleigh, they are adorable and a lot of fun. Plus, its really more fun than I could expect sitting at home so I'm happy to do a little babysitting. It's been a long time since I did this for anyone besides my own neices and nephews! Not only does this give me something to do (i'm pathetic, it's Saturday night!!) but I also get access to internet- fabulous! So I'm quite content at the moment.
I think I'll spend a little time researching houses and trying to find something that Andy and I can both agree on. Anyone have a suggestion of where to look? I want a single-family home, though the option of a duplex is not out of the question. More than anything, I just want a safe location for when I'm home without Andy, and a house that doesn't require major work. Remodeling I can handle, but things like roof, electrical, heating...that worries me a little more. Keep your eyes peeled I guess...


amdreyer1 said...

Thanks so much for last nite!! When I asked Ryleigh if they had fun, she replied with....Yes, Krista is the best!!! I don't ever want anyone else to babysit....I explained to her that you had a husband that you're normally with.....wow, you even surpassed the Grandma's, ha!! It was nice to get out again....I owe ya lunch this week :)

amdreyer1 said...

Thank you so much for last nite!!! When I asked Ryleigh if they had fun, she replied with.....Krista is the best!!! I don't want anyone else to babysit anymore....you even surpassed the Grandmas!!! It was nice tog et out for a little while....I'll buy ya lunch next week :)

Allison said...

Seriously excited about tonight! Oh and of course I will be on the lookout for houses! Preferably ones within a 1 mile radius from me!!