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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Baby at the end of the road?

Random Thought of The Day:
I don't think it's hit me yet. One baby or two, September or October, I don't think any of it has truly sunk in. I still feel like I'm pretending when I research baby products, talk about due dates, even when I answer the question: "So how are you feeling?" a hundred times a day.
When is it going to sink in, and what is THAT going to look like?


tim and nancy said...

If you wonder what THAT is going to look like, just look down and check out the BUMP... REALITY!! :-)
Three others in your life are also in for the big reality check....Lewis, Sammy and yup, the Andygator.
Can't wait!!

love ya Max,


tim and nancy said...

(Dad meant to say Andiator. ) But from my experience it won't really sink in until you cross the threshold of your house with two little ones in your arms and it is all up to you, no nurses running when you call. No food brought to you three times a day, just you, Andy and Thing one and Thing two. It will be great. We have no doubts that you will handle it with grace and style like you always do. Love MOM

Krista said...

grace and style...when did those become my assets?! :) thanks mom n dad

Bradi said...

Ditto on what mom said. It will hit you (along with a huge wave of hormones and tears) when you get home and realize it's ALL up to you... ;) Can't wait!